Online quiz for teams

from home



in teams

If you think, you could use a great collective game, you’re in the right place.

A virtual pubquiz, for teambuilding is a perfect choice, because – even though you aren’t sitting next to each other – you are playing against the other members of your group. There’s no limit to the number of players, the group may consist of 10 or 1000 people, everyone gets to participate. You don’t need to download or pre-install any software, so anyone can easily join in.

Online kvíz példa kérdés

Since the beginning of the pandemic, we have arranged numerous online games, and hundreds of teams have played with us. Some of these quizzes were free, anyone could join in, others were for separate company orders, with private online streaming. If we have aroused your interest, we look forward to your registration.

We offer two different types of quizzes for teams.

Blitz quiz

The online teambuilding game is held via a live stream. The quizmaster (as with an offline quiz) is present all along, you can see him. The quizmaster reads and displays the questions and helps with any questions that may arise. The scores are regularly shown during the circa 45-minute game.

You will be able to answer the questions through an online form we have created. This form can be sent in individually by each player, but if you are playing in teams, you can choose to send in one for each team.

Our recommended platform is Youtube. We will start the live stream at a pre-arranged time, and only those will have access to it, who you share the link with. You can also chat with and ask questions from the quizmaster during the game.

Every day (mixed topics), sports, film, retro, geek (TV series, superheroes), Friends (the TV show), Harry Potter, Star Wars.

During the game we will show you the results frequently, and after the last question we will share them immediately.

You also have the opportunity to incorporate personal questions or questions regarding the team into the game or deviate from the original gameplay. In relation to this, write to us in confidence.

Traditional quiz

The circa 90-minute online teambuilding game is held via a live stream. The quizmaster (as with an offline quiz) is present all along, you can see him. The quizmaster reads and displays the questions and answers any arising questions/and helps with any questions that may arise. In the first half of the game, we go through all questions (approx. 50-60 questions) leaving everyone enough time to give their answers. After a short break we view the correct answers.

You will be able to answer the questions through an online form we have created. This form can be sent in individually by each player, but if you are playing in teams, you can choose to send in one for each team.

Our recommended platform is Youtube. We will start the live stream at a pre-arranged time, and only those will have access to it, who you share the link with. You can also chat with and ask questions from the quizmaster during the game. If you have a private facebook group, we can of course play the quiz there too.

Every day (mixed topics), sports, film, retro, geek (TV series, superheroes), Friends (the TV show), Harry Potter, Star Wars.

We will share the results with you after the game during the livestream. Pending on the number of teams/players, we will need 5-10 minutes to review the result. When the game finishes, we will send the results to all players via email

You also can incorporate personal questions or questions regarding the team into the game or deviate from the original gameplay. In relation to this, write to us in confidence.

If you have any questions, contact us using the mail form below, or call the number supplied.

+36 30 578 6319 

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